Mentoring Program is designed to facilitate the therapists’ connection to the profession. Evidence has shown that in addition to formal education, mentors and role models are key to the development of a professional identity.
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Occupational Therapy Mentoring Program

Mentoring Program is designed to facilitate the therapists’ connection to the profession. Evidence has shown that in addition to formal education, mentors and role models are key to the development of a professional identity. برنامج الأشراف على الاخصائيين \ طلبة العلاج الوظيفي : هي طريقتك المثلى لمرجعة اهدافك وخططك - الاطلاع على كل ما هو جديد في علم العلاج الوظيفي و التكنولوجيا المساندة

60 minutes

AED 150.00 per session
Packages from AED 500

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Group Mentoring Program

برنامج للأشراف على اخصائيي العلاج الوظيفي ، يتم تقسيم الاخصائيين الى مجموعات كل مجموعة مكونة من 4-5 أخصائيين يتم فيها مناقشة كل ما هو متعلق بالتخصص

60 minutes

AED 150.00 per session
Packages from AED 500

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Mentoring Program - Level 1 : Foundational Skills

• Consultation Process – Discussion • Functional (Non-Standardized) Assessment – Discussion • Goal Setting and Progress Tracking – Discussion

180 minutes

Packages from AED 700

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Mentoring Program - Level 2 : Advanced Techniques

• Sensory Integration – Discussion • Benefits of Sensory Profile Outcomes – Discussion • Fine Motor Skills – Discussion • AAC Workshop (Recorded)

240 minutes

Packages from AED 700

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Mentoring Program - Level 3 : Personalized Mentorship

• 1:1 Session – 3 Hours • Email Access – 1 Month for Q&A • Exclusive Resources – Access to premium materials

180 minutes

Packages from AED 700